Saturday, 21 May 2016


It is not easy being a landlord, especially in regions like Geelong. It is a very competitive real estate market, and people are willing to pay top dollar for the best properties. So if you have a property for rent in Geelong, you can surely expect it to earn you a good deal of revenue. However, managing your property well enough to attract tenants and promoting it so that prospective tenants are aware of its existence is essential to the task. Incidentally, those are also the tasks that most landlords fail at miserably, leading to lost opportunities and lost revenue. This is why you should definitely consider enlisting the services of a real estate agent or a property management company in Geelong to help you manage the property effectively.

You should choose wisely on going for the right property management services in Geelong. There is no dearth of real estate management services on the market today. However, not all of it might be to your best interest. Consider the simple fact that many property management services, working on commission, push you to accept a lower price or offer on a particular piece of property instead of advising you to hold out for better offers even though they are perfectly aware of the market situation and how much can be reasonably expected from the property in question.


Property management in Geelong is no joke. As a landlord, you do have certain legal and ethical responsibilities towards your tenants; just as you expect them to provide you with rent regularly, they expect you to take care of any of the issues that crop up or complaints that they might have. You also need to adhere to all rules, laws and regulations that govern such interactions between landlords and tenants and real estate management in general. Even managing one piece of property can easily become a full time responsibility that requires spending time and resources.

Professional property management companies become the middleman between you and the tenant. Your tenants never directly engage with you unless absolutely necessary. The management company professionals take care of any issues and complaints that the tenants arise without any involvement from you. They efficiently process any routine or procedural jobs such as collecting rent payments, filing the proper taxes, attending to regular maintenance, ensure that the property is being taken care of the present occupants, etc. Most management companies even handle evictions by themselves and also get a new tenant before you even get the news of such an occurrence. These companies are very efficient and very good at what they do.

Your property is first and foremost an investment that you intend to generate revenue from. Hiring professional management services to look into the best decisions for your investment can definitely be the right choice if you are inexperienced in dealing with real estate or simply cannot afford to spend the amount of time that you need to spend in dealing with projects like these. Getting things done professionally can indeed cost you far less in the long run than what you would have spent in case you tried to do it yourself and could not to the optimum level. Factor in the opportunity costs that incurred from missed opportunities, and the case seems even stronger in favor of going for professional management services in Geelong.

If you can afford to go for one, then it is definitely recommended that you subscribe to professional property management services in Geelong. In addition to sparing you a lot of wasted time and headaches, they really do take care of many time consuming processes, especially legal ones that are usually associated with real estate. These companies do charge a flat rate for their services, which is usually 10% of the revenue you earn from the concerned property but it can be well worth it over time.
There are many reasons why you might not be able to promptly respond to your tenants’ complaints; maybe you do not live near enough to make personal visits every time a new issue crops up or personally supervise maintenance personnel. You also need to remit the actual amounts for electricity, water and other utilities on behalf of your tenants. And if you have multiple properties on rent, each of those responsibilities gets multiplied. It becomes clearly obvious now that if this describes your particular scenario, you are a lot better off having your property managed by the professionals.


Choosing the right property management company in Geelong is going to take some time. You should definitely do your prior research before committing to a company. Delve in to the data for the company in question. Compare their listed quotations to average market values at the time and see what they advised their clients. What do they charge for their services and how does it compare to their competition? How many similar properties have they successfully managed and for how long? Verify the number of insurance or legal disputes they have solved without unduly involving the landlord. Companies love to make grandiose claims but you want a service provider who can back up those claims with evidence and performance. Also go for a service provider that might offer dedicated personnel to managing and looking after your particular property; many management companies have a few agents responsible for more than a hundred properties. Do not let that become the situation.


Property management is serious work and you should only undertake it yourself if you are up for it. If you are not prepared to invest the time and resources that you need to execute your responsibilities adequately, hiring professional property management services is a viable and definitely recommended alternative. You avoid the petty hassles and disruptions to your work while your tenants get their issues attended to regularly and efficiently. Complaints are resolved sooner and legal hassles sorted out with minimal intervention. All parties stand to benefit from professional management services.



It is not easy being a landlord, especially in regions like Geelong. It is a very competitive real estate market, and people are willing to pay top dollar for the best properties. So if you have a property for rent in Geelong, you can surely expect it to earn you a good deal of revenue. However, managing your property well enough to attract tenants and promoting it so that prospective tenants are aware of its existence is essential to the task. Incidentally, those are also the tasks that most landlords fail at miserably, leading to lost opportunities and lost revenue. This is why you should definitely consider enlisting the services of a real estate agent or a property management company in Geelong to help you manage the property effectively.

You should choose wisely on going for the right property management services in Geelong. There is no dearth of real estate management services on the market today. However, not all of it might be to your best interest. Consider the simple fact that many property management services, working on commission, push you to accept a lower price or offer on a particular piece of property instead of advising you to hold out for better offers even though they are perfectly aware of the market situation and how much can be reasonably expected from the property in question.


Property management in Geelong is no joke. As a landlord, you do have certain legal and ethical responsibilities towards your tenants; just as you expect them to provide you with rent regularly, they expect you to take care of any of the issues that crop up or complaints that they might have. You also need to adhere to all rules, laws and regulations that govern such interactions between landlords and tenants and real estate management in general. Even managing one piece of property can easily become a full time responsibility that requires spending time and resources.

Professional property management companies become the middleman between you and the tenant. Your tenants never directly engage with you unless absolutely necessary. The management company professionals take care of any issues and complaints that the tenants arise without any involvement from you. They efficiently process any routine or procedural jobs such as collecting rent payments, filing the proper taxes, attending to regular maintenance, ensure that the property is being taken care of the present occupants, etc. Most management companies even handle evictions by themselves and also get a new tenant before you even get the news of such an occurrence. These companies are very efficient and very good at what they do.

Your property is first and foremost an investment that you intend to generate revenue from. Hiring professional management services to look into the best decisions for your investment can definitely be the right choice if you are inexperienced in dealing with real estate or simply cannot afford to spend the amount of time that you need to spend in dealing with projects like these. Getting things done professionally can indeed cost you far less in the long run than what you would have spent in case you tried to do it yourself and could not to the optimum level. Factor in the opportunity costs that incurred from missed opportunities, and the case seems even stronger in favor of going for professional management services in Geelong.

If you can afford to go for one, then it is definitely recommended that you subscribe to professional property management services in Geelong. In addition to sparing you a lot of wasted time and headaches, they really do take care of many time consuming processes, especially legal ones that are usually associated with real estate. These companies do charge a flat rate for their services, which is usually 10% of the revenue you earn from the concerned property but it can be well worth it over time.

There are many reasons why you might not be able to promptly respond to your tenants’ complaints; maybe you do not live near enough to make personal visits every time a new issue crops up or personally supervise maintenance personnel. You also need to remit the actual amounts for electricity, water and other utilities on behalf of your tenants. And if you have multiple properties on rent, each of those responsibilities gets multiplied. It becomes clearly obvious now that if this describes your particular scenario, you are a lot better off having your property managed by the professionals.


Choosing the right property management company in Geelong is going to take some time. You should definitely do your prior research before committing to a company. Delve in to the data for the company in question. Compare their listed quotations to average market values at the time and see what they advised their clients. What do they charge for their services and how does it compare to their competition? How many similar properties have they successfully managed and for how long? Verify the number of insurance or legal disputes they have solved without unduly involving the landlord. Companies love to make grandiose claims but you want a service provider who can back up those claims with evidence and performance. Also go for a service provider that might offer dedicated personnel to managing and looking after your particular property; many management companies have a few agents responsible for more than a hundred properties. Do not let that become the situation.


Property management is serious work and you should only undertake it yourself if you are up for it. If you are not prepared to invest the time and resources that you need to execute your responsibilities adequately, hiring professional property management services is a viable and definitely recommended alternative. You avoid the petty hassles and disruptions to your work while your tenants get their issues attended to regularly and efficiently. Complaints are resolved sooner and legal hassles sorted out with minimal intervention. All parties stand to benefit from professional management services.