Wednesday, 16 November 2016

How to decrease your energy bill in a shared house

Have you ever wondered how to decrease your energy bill whilst living in a shared house? It can be a touchy subject, especially when a rogue bill arrives with a significant spike. Thankfully, Fresh Property Management has some useful yet simple tips on how you and housemates can cut down that next bill.

Cook Together
If all occupants cooked their own dinners over a week period, that’s 21 meals being fried, baked and barbecued each week. When you really think about it, each housemate using each appliance for the same meal really adds up, and ramps up your energy costs quicker.
Try cooking one or two “house meals” each week, not only will this save you money on energy bills, but cooking in bulk will cut checkout costs and time with ready meals.

Launder Together
Instead of running a small load of washing, there’s nothing wrong with teaming up with your housemate to make a full load. Waiting for that full load of washing before running a wash is essential in reducing your energy bills.

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